
Stinky Girl

I am here! and safe and happy and still exhausted and a little bit confused. Rita and Bob picked me up from the airport late last night. Everything after that is mostly a blur as we drove through the dark, I settled into my room and obviously slept very well, as it was the first time I was able to lay horizontal in around 35 hours. My flights were fine. I sat next to a missionary from Nimibia on the long flight named Charlie and we were basically bff. I should write a whole post on him sometime. I also made a South African friend in the Airport who wanted to watch the office on my laptop with me. Today I got up (ps. it is freaking freezing cold at night and that is the truth), got breakfast and met the loves of my life. I have only been here for one full day and already know that it will be the worst thing ever to have to leave these beautiful faces in 4 months. I helped in the preschool! also ps. they got a new teacher! She has only been here a week and I finding it difficult to manage the class (there are two four year olds and then lots of little ones), but is doing great things, so I am excited to be working with her. After lunch I needed a nap, because I'm a pansy girl and when I woke up the older kids were home. They are hilarious and one of them (I don't know his name yet, names are hard, I officially know 4 of them) keeps coming up to me and telling me I'm a stinky girl (which may or may not be true- I haven't been able to shower yet because the water/electricity in my room were not working this morning and it was waaaaay too cold for that silliness last night) to which I respond "I'm a clean girl, you are a stinky boy" and then trick him by telling him to look at the airplane in the sky when there isn't one, and running away. Needless to say, I am fitting in well. They sometimes call me Auntie Sarah, but there are not many other human beings I would rather be confused with. The older kids told me to go get her and make her come here. They love and miss you for sure Sarah! My life here will not resemble life I have ever lived anywhere else, and for that I am thankful. The internet on here really is painfully slow, so until I get an internet card for my laptop (maybe tomorrow? cross your fingers) I might not be updating too often. I am headed into East London for most of the day tomorrow with Rita and Bob to hopefully pick up a few things. Also I need you to know that as I am typing this the girls are BELTING out Amazing Grace from their room, which we are going to sing at Nelson Madela's grave (or at least that's what Bob told me). They make me smile. I have tons more to say but it is starting to get cold and I need to go shower and drink tea and read and sleep before tomorrow's adventures.
Love love


Ashley said...

Yeah! You made it! I'm so happy for you! : D Adventures of Kassi Part I are commencing. : P

Anonymous said...

i am unbelievably jealous. why am i not in africa? i love those kids so so so so so so much. Please tell them that I love them and I miss them and I say hello. You are going to do so well there, and they will love you so much. I'm so happy for you Kassi!!! Please come back and get me. i love you with my whole heart.

Anonymous said...

Wait, you went to Africa?

Bob said...

Good to see you're there and OK. Will you be able to post photos? Enjoying the reads.

Anonymous said...

You posted this on my 21st. And I was at ISI instead of getting shwasty at the Feve.