
Sicky sicky sick sick

I am...drum roll please...SICK. So, that's typical. It started as some little throat issue in Cape Town and has escalated to full blown nasty. I probably have a double ear infection (which is also fairly typical for me, welcome to my world) plus all of the nasty throat/eye/nose stuff that is still going on. Luckily the nurse came today to check on the kids and gave me some meds so hopefully I will be a little less miserable very soon. That would be nice. I have spent about 95% of the last 2 days in my room watching The Office on my computer and only the other 5% with the kids which makes me feel mostly useless and sad, but I want to get better and I also don't want to get them sick.

In other news....
I got MAIL today! So that's exciting. It appears as though anything sent priority takes about 2 weeks to get here, but the cost and the time are nothing compared to how ELATED getting mail makes me : ) Oh also I've gotten a letter from my dad, a package from my aunt and something amazing from lauren. So if you sent something and you are not one of those people, then I have not gotten anything from you, just thought I would clarify so that if you have sent something you're not all like 'yay, she got it' when I actually didn't. ok moving on...

I tried the internet card on my laptop this week. It worked but dries up suuuper fast. I did, however, get to talk to some of my super sweet friends which was mostly awesome. I am still trying to figure out if the wireless is worth it/what I can do on there and not on the office computer.

More interestingly...
We started tutoring this week with the older kids (I can't remember if I've already mentioned that) but it is going super well. Yesterday they didn't have any so we drew pictures of and wrote about our adventures in Cape Town, which was awesome. We might try and drive out to the ocean tomorrow with some of the older kids, but it was freezing cold today so cross your fingers for no more sickness and good weather! I also really need to clean out my room and do laundry this weekend (also typical).

And before I forget! My aunt is a freaking genius and I meant to mention this much earlier but forgot. Bob (the founder of Open Arms) has a blog that he kept while he did his walk across South Africa to raise money for the home. There are lots of pictures on there from his walk which ended with our trip to Cape Town and tons and tons of pictures of the kids. He is home now and the walk is over, so I'm not sure he will continue it, but there's lots to catch up on there if you are interested. http://alongwalkforchildren.typepad.com/ There's the link. He's written tons of great stuff, plus it will give some of you who are still not sure why I'm in Africa something to work with.



Anonymous said...

Please take care of your self.

If you need warmer clothing buy it.

Love DAD

Anonymous said...

I am sicker. I am the sickest.