
Happy Now?

Ok, so this is officially the AFRICA blog. It seems as though more of you than I'm comfortable with would like an easy way to stalk me while I'm in Africa for the next however many months. Ya creepers.

I will try and update this blog as often as possible and will hopefully use it in place of silly mass e-mails to keep everyone 'in the know', if you will. So check as often or as little as you like, and leave me happy comments so I don't feel like I'm writing this for no one to read : )

Some prep updates as of now:
*I have my VISA! And it has NO typos! Now according to me, my family, my friends, the orphanage and the Republic of South Africa, I am spending the next four months out of the country. Unfortunately I am still enrolled at Notre Dame and have not declared my leave of absence... but once that's done I will be completely legit.
*Tomorrow I will officially have two weeks left at work and in El Paso
*I have decided to stop by Notre Dame before I leave, even though it will probably make me sad. I will be there from Aug24-27thish. Let's do fun things.
*I will be in the COS from the 27-Sep2. If you are there, I better see you. I have a list. You know who you are.
*I am almost done with the immunizations/physicals/blood tests/x-rays/appointments that need to be finished before I leave... only 3 appointments and a Yellow Fever vaccine left!
*Packing and traveling have not even started and are already stressing me out!
*I am trying to figure out how much/what I will be able to do to improve the preschool program, which is hard because I know hardly anything about the kids and need to make decisions about what I think will be effective and what I need to bring to accomplish those things.
*I am done with summer school which means no more classes, tests or silly paper writing until January!
*Sarah is there now and also AMAZING. Send her some love.

I will write more, like maybe why the title of my blog is about animals? But not right now, now I need to act employed.

26(ish) DAYS!



Ashley said...

Yeah Kassi! Way to start a blog while you're at work! (speaking of which, I'm there now, lol) I can't wait to read about the Adventures of Kassandra the animal namer. ha! : )

Anonymous said...

Oh love! You are so brave. Keep reminding yourself that you have all you need. Once you see those faces, all the hard work and confusion here will be worth it. God goes before you and prepares the way. There is nothing to worry about. I can't wait to see you later this month.

all my love

Jaime said...

I'm so glad you started an AFRICA blog (I will always refer to it in all caps as you do from now on). It will make it so much easier for me to creepily stalk you even though you are across the ocean. I can't wait to see you at ND in a couple of weeks!

Anonymous said...

HOORAY!! I'm so jealous you will be here and I will not. I will probably come back spring semester- so you should stay :)

I love you a LOOOOOTTT!!!