
Liar, Liar Pants on Fire.

I lied. THIS is my last post from Africa. I am at an internet cafe in Johannesburg. One short flight away from Komga and I already feel so far away. After lots of tearful goodbyes I am on my way. I sat next to a really drunk guy who was convinced that I am going to take him to America and that we are going to get married. Awk. Luckily the flight was only about an hour and a half long. Seriously. Sheesh. My flight to DC is about 19 hours long and I should get into Denver at about 10:30 am. Naturally I will be partying it up in celebration of Dan the Man's 21st birthday my first day home. Can't wait to see all of your lovely faces!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CALL ME ASAP! i love you! i hope the flight isn't too awful, watch some quality movies :)