
Thursday Things

· I grated my finger. No really. With a cheese grater. It was obviously an accident and it just nicked me in a couple of spots, but luckily I recently received an AMAZING birthday box with Disney princess band-aids and hot wheels band-aids. I also gave each of the sickies/itchies one to make them feel better. Some of the kids put them on their foreheads.
· If you are ever going to be in Africa for 4 months, invest in an inflatable globe, it’s good for perspective
· I’m awesome at the ukulele. No really. Tally brought one with her and I finally learned how to play it yesterday. I can’t play any real songs but I’m awesome at that thing.
· Our original itchy kids are healed, but we have about 4 others with different rashes. One of them is scabies. Which is not good.
· My dad and brother are currently somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean and should be in the country at about 3 pm. Then I will get to see them at around 9 pm : )
· We had a ‘talk’ with the girls yesterday, complete with visual aids and M&Ms. It was great. I love them. Also I feel totally qualified to be a mother by now.
· I have been a baking CRAZY. I made tortillas over the weekend, followed by banana bread, then banana chocolate chip muffins and last but not least a very yummy rhubarb cobbler with fresh rhubarb from the garden. In Tally’s words, I “would be a good wife”. So. There.
· We (the volunteers and Rita) have spent the last two nights out on the town! Before you jump to any conclusions: The owners of two of the stores in town have totally adopted us and we love them. They are the ones who took us out to that game farm for my birthday, in case you didn’t make the connection. Anyway there is a…I don’t know what to call it…bar(?) or club maybe, called Thunderstruck really close to the end of our road and this family is buying it. I think that is true. Anyway we never knew about it and they told us and we went! It was fun. We were there ‘early’ so there were only…3ish other people there. We are never in town after dark, so it felt like an adventure. Then yesterday we were planning on going into town to get some supper (the kids were having some fish stuff that I generally do not appreciate or consume) and this same family laughed at us because we were going to their store to buy these little pie things that are kind of like potpies and instead they brought us Chinese food from East London! It was amazing. Also they are amazing.
· Tally is leaving early early tomorrow and Yui is leaving on Saturday. Sad : (
· Granny Pearl is our newest driver. She is hilarious. Also super intense. She decided that I needed to clean my room today and that she was going to help me. Wow. All I can say is that it is clean. And that it was an intense experience. Actual conversation from today: Tally: You made Granny Pearl clean your room?! Me: No, Granny Pearl made me let her clean my room. True. Story. (Also- Aunt MA- I am very sad to inform you that the picture of my room that I put up was from my first day here. My room was essentially a huge disaster up until about an hour ago. Thank you for loving me enough to compensate for my flaws. I love and miss you!)
· It is closer to Christmas and I am happy! My Dad is bringing my pink Santa hat and I am getting verrry excited.
· Things you can *hopefully* (cross your fingers) look forward to reading about in the coming monthish…me being in charge for like 10 days while Rita goes to Europe, taking the kids to some sort of theme park in East London (for FREE), cookie making, tree finding, stocking filling, a dairy farm visit, hopefully Robin Hood at a local theater, feeding lambs with bottles, baking, maybe some High School Musical 3 action, and the insanity that will come with having all 30 kids home everyday, all day for one month. Oh it’s going to be good.


p.s. Shout love to a world so desperately in need of a whisper.
p.p.s. I am going to be trying to defeat East London with my Dad and brother tomorrow, so that should be interesting. Then we are heading back here and then leaving for Cape Town on Saturday : )


Bob said...

The blue berries are coming. The chef on this end says “rinse them or your muffins will be blue”. Personally, I like the concept of blue muffins, especially at Christmas, but I’m told they would taste great yet appear unappetizing. So those in the know would get more and those judging the muffins by their covers would get less? This is bad? Anyway, rinse the berries, not the muffins.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Well, no wonder I was experiencing some deja-vu when I read the part about Granny Pearl. LOL!! Thank heavens for grannies and aunties, huh? Miss and love you too! Have a great time with your dad & bro! MA

Anonymous said...

AHH!! I can't believe I am not in africa right now!!! i have no doubts about your ukulele skills. you are #1 mom in my book :) I was wondering when the girls were going to have 'the talk' but i'm glad it was with you, haha. i'm so jealous that you get to be so much more involved with stuff, remember when i was all alone and didn't get to do so many cool things. my room was a disaster by the time i left, the girls were making fun of me :) Just so you know, you are SO capable of running the place for 10 days, because i did it for a month and survive :) and you get to do so many more fun things! ok, i'm done, just want you to know that i love you a LOT!!
