
Bloggy Time Out

You are in big trouble, mister.
I have decided that all of you, my readers need a good old-fashioned time out because you are being NAUGHTY.
I want to know who is reading my blog and I want to know it...right...now. And I am going to count to three and if you don't comment on my blog and say hello then you are going to be in even BIGGER trouble. And if you were an Open Arms kid then you would NOT get after dinner snack and then if you were even naughtier then you would have to miss Friday Night Movie. And trust me, neither of those things are fun for anyone.

The honest truth is that I just want you to say hi so that I can be happy that you are reading my blog, so just do it. Leave a little note, say something clever, maybe something funny or even leave an embarrassing story about me (like how you maybe gave me my first 'C' in school, ever). No really. All of you. Right now.

Time outs are generally very effective when you live with 30 kids, so I was hoping it would work here : )

Also. I love you all.


p.s. I tried again to post pictures yesterday and it was just a big fat failure.
p.p.s If anyone could find out a way to record The Office Season 5 episodes that have come out in the last few weeks on a DVD and mail them to me, I would owe you a lot of things.
p.p.p.s I have started getting birthday mail and need to announce that my Aunt Gloria already officially gets the award for best birthday card ever. Not only do i absolutely love it, but so do the kids and the song was listened to at least 35 times today. The older ones are trying to learn the words. I am not making this stuff up. Thank you and I love you!


Anonymous said...

Hey, hi girlie! Just so you know, I don't always leave a comment, but I am a faithful reader, checking in every couple of days to see what you're up to and enjoying every post. Keep it up. Love, Mary Ann

Ravioli said...

Hey there Kassi! I read your blog today and wanted to avoid time-out, so here is my comment.

I can't believe you are all the way over in South Africa, holy smokes.

Keep on sending updates and being awesome!


Jaime said...

Kassi! I read your bloggy every time you post! And I am the one that tells everyone when you post, because they are dumb and I have a big brain. But right now we are on fall break and I am in Ohio, so I can't tell them to read it. I will tell them on Monday though, at Club BFF dinner. Which, by the way, if you can make it to dinner, you can be in Club BFF. Sorry, but I just had to say that. Chris has corrupted me and made me mean. Haha. I heart you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Little Chicklet!! I have been reading your blog too but don't always leave a comment. Just know that you are sorely missed and I wish that I could talk to you and hear your voice. Please don't feel like you are all alone because you are in our hearts. Your blogs are fun to read because you are so creative and silly!! Congrats on being accepted into Cairo University. You're awesome!! Love you lots! Laurie

Anonymous said...

Hi Kass! Just wanted to say Hola and please don't put me in time out! I love to read what you are up to. You need to put all of these writings into a book and sell! You have such a knack for creative writing and it seems so natural for you! I am glad to hear you liked your card, Sophia picked it out just for you. Hope you have a great b-day. Please know that we are so proud of you and miss you all the time. Congrats on your acceptance. You are such an inspiration!!!!!! Love, Gloria

Kristi said...

Stop yelling!

I like you! A lot!

P.S. It's almost your birthday!

Anonymous said...

And her name was Kassandra! I wonder if you can figure out who is commenting here. Anyway, cool blog and sounds like you are having fun. Keep enjoying life and you will find what you are looking for. C Ya

Anonymous said...

Ok Chillona,
Remember I used to call you that when we visited you and your family in Germany. You were about five years old. You would start crying everytime I called you a chillona (cry baby). :-)
I've been reading your blog on occasion 'cause I know it takes you a while to write one. I did respond to you one time but I wasn't sure if you would know who wrote to you. I did send you an e-mail. Hope you got it.
I have been enjoying reading your blogs. You're an awesome writer! You're the bomb! YOU ROCK!!!
When I read your blogs I wonder how I would react if I was there. I try to put myself into your life. I think it would be quite difficult but with a lot of faith it would be make it much easier.
Continue the fantastic work. God Bless!
Moni (Linggi)

Anonymous said...

hello. i love you. i read your blog. it makes my life better. you are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Dumb. I took a break from reading your blogs because I am so BUSY, and I do all the things. Then you took a bloggy time out. I am just now reading it, though, so I guess timeout is over. Dumb.

Anonymous said...

p.s. i read your blog

also, i love you.